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20 February 2020 - 21 February 2020
Leuven, Belgium
Life-on-Chip 2020

Participation fees & registration to the congress


If you only participate in the matchmaking part organized by E.E.N. through B2Match on the 21th:

  • Free of charge

For the conference part on the 20th and 21st (plenary part and sessions, including coffee breaks, lunch, walking dinner and reception):

  • 150* euro for academics, the members of DSP Valley, flanders.bio, BioWin and Medicon Valley Alliance and the participants in IBN Space 4.0 and IBN Flanders.Health
  • 200* euro for other participants

*As the province is not liable to VAT, the prices mentioned include no VAT. So no VAT will be charged.


Your subscription is only valid upon reception of our electronic confirmation. After the event you will receive an invoice for payment. The payment of the conference fee has to be made on receipt of the invoice and via bank transfer. Due to organisational reasons, credit cards cannot be accepted.


Notification must be given by email philip.dingemans@vlaamsbrabant.be no later than 10 (ten) working days before the conference starts.

If a registrant is unable to attend the conference for any reason, he/she may substitute someone else to attend in their place. In that case, please send us by email (philip.dingemans@vlaamsbrabant.be) the name of the substitute, his/her contact details and invoicing information. The substitute must also register via the website.

Event language 

The event language is English.


The full programme of the conference is available here
Please sign in to access your personal meeting schedule once the bookings open on 21 February ('meetings' or 'agenda' next to your profile picture).

Closed since 13 February 2020
Provincieplein 1
3010 Leuven, Belgium
Organised by
Belgium 154
Netherlands 8
Germany 6
Spain 2
United Kingdom 1
Bulgaria 1
Greece 1
Denmark 1
Japan 1
Luxembourg 1
France 1
Italy 1
Total 178